So I made a little pond for the grown-ups to fish in. I'm so tired of restocking the fridge. And I put down a little garden patch in the front yard for the kids to garden. Sparkling food for everyone!
Orion turned Sandalphon into a robot werewolf. His eyes didn't turn yellow! Lame. Demeter grew a plantbaby, a girl. Demeter's the one with the daughter, Persephone, right? Well, I already have a Persephone. Let's see. I'll name her Terpsichore. Have to keep a plant sim around at all times, don't ya know? Terpsichore is a Gemini, 10/2/2/8/9, which is weird. Demeter has the same numbers and she's a Virgo.
Okay,, I already have my next heir picked out. It's going to be Columba. You wanna know why? I don't want Ivy's nose haunting THIS family also! Orion, Reti, Lepus and Monoceros all have this nose. No, no, no, no. Her nose will die this generation!
Camelopardalis passed on. She spent her last day making candies with Columba. All the children cried. Orion cried the most. The family's down to nine friends. I don't think it's ever been that low. Ha!
Sweet. Demeter gets promoted to Chief of Staff the exact moment Columba becomes a teenager. He rolled a 4, Family Sim! Woooooo! Possible spouses: Phoebe, Artemis and Medusa. Yes, I checked.
I think Jan Tellerman is a mobster. I just paid her off with $50. No idea what for. But she's telling me she'll leave me alone for now... What?
Welp, Terpsichore grew up. She looks exactly like Demeter. She rolled a 2. Knowledge. If Ican get her a job in Politics I can send Columba, Lepus and Monoceros to college. Right now Columba has the job in Politics.
On Reticulum and Aphrodite's lot, the couple started a larger family than planned. After remodeling and hiring a butler to help keep house and raise the children, Reticulum and Aphrodite are hving a tought time paying the bills and feeding their 4 children, Pictor, the Painter's Easel, Carina, the Keel, Nike, Goddess of Victory, and Nemesis, another Greek deity. Yet they still oblige their children everything their little hearts desire.
The kids have thir own private playground, a nursery, and a playroom. The girls even have thei own play oven in the kitchen. And the family always eats together. Their butler, Amar Dennis, Makes less of an ass of himself for this family than he did the Cygnus' and competantly conducts his business with grace and dignity. Aphrodite acheived her Life Time Want of becoming Captain Hero, and Reitculum switched to a career in Education.
Despite being nearly bankrupt and already having four kids, the family oriented couple still wants more kids. I'm tempted. Sorely. I take it back. Mr. Dennis just burned the kitchen. -sigh-

Hestia and Quiten Cygnus also had a baby boy, Thanatos. He's almost exactly like his father. Coeus and Stella are expecting as well. Oh. They had twins. Hydra and Nyx.
In other news, it seems as though Pallas, the sun-burned son of Atlas has the hots for Metatron's digital lover boy, Sandalphon, who is totally oblivious to Pallas' obvious attraction.
Alright! Back to business. I think I need to kick Terpsichore out on her ass. She just hangs out and makes snowmen. Lepus and Monoceros became teenagers today, so I don't beed her to be the babysitter anymore. Lepus rolls a six. Monoceros, a one. Pleasure and Wealth.

Imma call bullshit on the college thing, though. your sims can go for free. They don't pay for their classes, in fact, they GET money for completing semesters! Now, a person like me, who finds excessive funds enraging, would like that money to go to something, ANYTHING! Charity, business, luxurious vacations. (I'm not doing another vacation for this legacy, that shit took up WAY too much time." Excuse my ramblings, I'm sick. I don't mean in the head, I'm actually coughing up a lung as I write this. It's painful.
Terpsichore is away. Oh, bawls. I forgot to have her introduce Artemis to Columba. Whatevs. The weekend is coming up, Columba can head to the plaza and scope out the Cygnus babes. He has sixteen to choose from. That's taking away four, Metis, Aphrodite, Demeter and Hestia. The boy hasn't met any of them yet. Right, so Columba goes to the plaza, the first person on the scene is Theia. Beautiful. Shit. They don't hit it off well. Blargh!

Monoceros couldn't give a crap about his date, they just played with the football. Their dte wasn't a dream date, but Mooceros got a little aspiration out of Opal Raymond. Later on, Nicholas Bertino would call up Monoceros and invite him out for a night on the town. Poor Mr. Bertino. He was attacked by Countess Jeannie and turned into a vampire.
To apologize to Lepus about not kissing her, her date brought over a piano. I mean, I guess you can't have too many pianos. Lepus aint sweatin it though, the next night she had another date with someone different. This guy bought her a bust... of Tylopoda. Heeheehooha.

Shit, Monoceros' date, Tosha Go bought him a karaoke machine. Actually, all the kids had dates that night. Columba bombed his date, the twins blew theirs out of the water. The next day, Columba grew up mid-date, while Lepus moved in on Monoceros'! He was NOT happy. Tosha got a slap to the face, and she didnt even do anything. Lepus looked absolutely smug about it, too. That scamp!
Columba grew into... questionable attire. We have to fix this. So, Columba and Theia go out for dinner to feel each other out. Wow, they both wanted to fall in love with each other. All they had to do was kiss and their date was dreamy. That was super fast. They were engaged his first night as as an adult.
Now for a little harmless brain alteration. I know, cheating. I can't help it. Theia's everything he wants though. They're so in love I can't believe it, they even had the same turn-off. Nothing to say of the same pointy ears, the same nose, both are aliens. Hmm, she brought him a stereo after the date. To the secret attick with it! I should read the rules to see if I can use it. The handicap just says not to purchase anything from the electronics tab.

Oh... he has three bolts for Artemis, though. Damn! What do I do now?! I wonder if I can get a divorce... Columba goosed Artemis just as Theia came home from work. I wonder if that's grounds for a divorce. What do you know. It is. Theia broke up with Columba, took her dog and moved the eff out.
Wow, there's a lot of hate in the house now. Monoceros hates Lepus, Lepus hates Monoceros. Orion hates Lepus. Demeter hates Columba. Columba hates Lepus... This is the most dysfunctional I've ever made a family.
Anyway, Columba gets hitched to Artemis. The first time he asked her she said no, so he had a bad memory of that as well as when she said yes.... They didnt have a ceremony this time and hit the sack right after getting hitched. She's already pregnant. Artemis was sticking rich, too.
Lepus and Monoceros grew into adults. Not going to college sent Monoceros into aspiration failure. Poor man... Ricky Cormier just left Lepus another Karaoke machine. So I checked the handicap, it doesn't say anything about gifts so whatevs. Christ, look at that, it's already 11 pm. I need to go to bed!

I must have a penchant for making aliens look good, because Monoceros is so hot. It makes me sad I can't make him happy. I can't buy a car or stereo, I don't have a pool, so he can play Marco Polo and I don't want to buy a freaking skating rink. I don't have the space! This guy is mad with his wants. I don't think wealth sims are good for this legacy.
Yay! Columba's the Mayor! That unlocks all the other careers and the kiddies can go to college. I have six adults in the house, Orion and Demeter (who never sleep) Columba and Artemis, Lepus and Monoceros. As soon as the last two reach the top of their careers I can boot them out and get back to making babies. Camelopardalis has taken to haunting day and night, now, terrorizing any who cross her ghostly path. I think everyone, except Demeter, has pissed themselves several times. It's embarrassing!
Lynx turned into a toddler, she's been fed so much smart milk it's almost criminal. She powered through learning how to walk and walk, crap and sing, and she has more charisma than her mom. I think she toddlerfied just two days ago. She's going to be charisma capped by the time she's a child! Like I said: almost criminal.
Oh dear, oh dear, Lepus is getting really close to Michael-Servo, the two had a dream date and right after Lepus wanted to go on another one. Oh my, he brought by another stereo.

Wow, Lynx really did max out her charisma as a toddler. Monoceros met Artemis' sister, Asteria and had a big crush on her. She wouldn't give him the time of day for a while, but he wore her down and the two went on a date! Lepus reached the top of Gaming! Finally! I can move someone out. That's a little messed up, I know, I kind of want to keep her, she's a total badass... someone stole our gnome again. What the balls!
The date with Asteria went well. She wants to have sex with Monoceros in a car. Freaky~ Great! I have a spouse for him when he reaches the top of his career track!
Orion passed on in permaplatness leaving his riches to Demeter, Monoceros, Lynx and Lepus. He died well, but his ghost appeared right after his death to weep over himself. Strange. Haha he scared his wife, Demeter, who was distraught to see his ghost, but still heart farted when she saw it.

Since Orion's death and Lepus and Monoseros moving out, the happy couple, Columba and Artemis have been trying to get pregnant again with very little success. They're running each other ragged. Augh! Finally!
Did I ever run off Lynx's numbers? She's an Aries, 7/9/9/7/3. Bwahahahahaha! Tethys was struck by lightning, she looks absolutely hilarious. Artemis reached the top of Architecture.
Omigosh, things are so much more peaceful without as much people. I'm not wringing my hands in worry and despair!
Well! After searching frantically for a pen that was at the desk I was sitting at! I can finally tell you that Monoceros and Asteria Seraph had twins. Jeez, they really run in the family. They had a boy, the green one, Typhon, and a girl, Hemera. Monoceros got to the top of the business career track, as was his LTW, earning himself permaplaticity, and Asteria got a job in Law, pursuing her own Life Time Want.

Lynx has at least 8/10 points in all the skills and she turns into a teenager tonight. This is madness, ladies and gentlemen. Glorious, glorious madness. She rolled a 5, Pop sim. Lyra also grew up, and she's an Aries, too. 7/9/9/7/3. And Artemis goes into labor with another single baby. Oh well. It's a boy! His name is Pyxis, the Compass Box.
Oh! So I'm pretty sure I can get Columba started on that novel now. Let's see, topped out skills, and career, had three kids, is an alien. I've decided green skin counts as monstrous.
Columba Seraph
As the son of a rather eccentric werewolf chef, and a member of the infamously accursed family, Seraph, many doubted my goals of becoming mayor of our grand hamlet, Ebonwood, but I succeeded. Through no small part on my families behalf, strange as we might seem, and the support of the prestigious Cygnus family, to which mine is closely tied, I have achieved the honor of governing the province I cherish. We are families cut from the same cloth; many sorrows, tragedies, strengths and triumphs, tales of humor, suspense, horror and much drama are told by each of our families, in our history, lie in our very bones..
Though ours is a relatively new town, it is already bustling with the promise of many children and youth I see, and my soul rejoices. In them I see the prosperity of the community I was raised in and have come to love as dearly as my own children. And for my children, for all our children, I will forever strive to make ours the safest, finest, and most auspicious province, the likes of which sim-kind has ever seen!