Friday, October 26, 2012

Because I'm Sick in the Head

I'm starting another legacy. You heard me. Another one. In the same neighborhood, no less. Do I have anything special planned? A theme, maybe? Nooo~
But! I do have some handicaps and rules planned out:
Your family's story is told to the world.
At least one novel must be written and completed per generation by that generation's heir, excluding the 10th. It does not matter how well or poorly these novels sell or the creativity of the heir.
You must write a story for your family.
This handicap is very hard to define by hard and fast rules. I cannot say what exactly constitutes as a "story" or not. The purpose of this bonus is to reward those who write stories for their families. I'll let you be the judge of yourself, if what you write counts as a story. It does not matter how well-rated your story is by the exchange. It is recommended that you upload your story and family lot once per generation, but it's not a requirement. This part of handicap is left 100% to interpretation. (The first part must be followed to earn the points, however. That much I can clearly define).

"Free Roaming Ghosts"Your founder feels that the deceased must be allowed to roam their old homes fully or they will become wrathful.
-Sim graves and urns may never be deleted or sold, even if smashed.
-Sim graves and urns may never be placed into a sim's inventory
-The graves and urns must be placed in a manner that allows the ghosts to travel freely on the entire lot. A ghost must be able to travel to any part of the lot from where their marker lies.

"True Love"
Your founder believes in the concept of soul mates. Rather than settle for anybody else, your founder and all their heirs must hold out for the perfect mate before having children. 
-Your founder and each heir may only have children with sims they have a 3 lightning bolt relationship with (3LB).
-They may move in and even marry other sims, but the sim that brings in the next generation must have 3 lightning bolts with the founder/heir.
-For 3LB relationships that are based on situational turn-ons, such as perfume, stink and clothing, the relationship only needs to be 3LBs at the time of the next generation's conception. (When you select the "try for baby" command, they must have 3LBs). It may drop below 3LBs afterwards.

"One way street"For one reason or another, most elixir doesn't work on the family. Only super-concentrated cowplant elixir can affect how long they live.
Your sims may never use the elixir of life from the aspiration reward menu.
Cow plant elixir may still be used.
You may still purchase bottles of elixir to earn collection points.

"Behind the times"Your founder is very old fashioned and technophobic and discourages the whole family to use these "new fangled contraptions"
Your sims may not purchase any items from the "Electronics" item category exept for the old fashioned style cash register and the phone.
No member of the family may purchase personal electronics.

Your founder isn't afraid of taking chances and has promoted risk-taking over playing it safe in the family's culture.
Whenever any sim is presented with a chance card, you MUST select one of the two options. You may not choose "Ignore"
Whenever an electric object breaks in the house, you may not call a repair man or influence another sim to repair it. A member of the family must repair the object.
Your sims may not purchase a burglar alarm in the house or in a car.

Notes: Always make sure to produce at least one spare heir or make a non-essiential sim repair broken objects.
Broken objects that carry no risk of electrocution (such as broken showers or clogged toilets) may be repaired by the repair man or have a sim influenced to repair.

"Do it yourself"Your founder has instilled a strong sense of self-reliance in the family (or a strong distrust of service workers).
Your sims may never hire any sims from the "Service" or "Delivery" menu on the phone.
Sims at college are still under this restriction.
The family may NOT activate, move-in or marry in a Servo.

Notes: Your sims may not use influence to make other people perform service tasks.
You may still have service or delivery sims move in or marry into the family.
The family may still manufacture and/or sell Servos, as long as they don't activate them.

My own rules:
1. All skill points learned.
2. Not allowed to delete anything (In both building and buying mode).
3. Reach top of EVERY career path. (One career path per person.)
4. Each generation must be alien, vampire, zombie, werewolf, plant sim or witch. Legacy requires one of each.
5. Each heir must produce at least 3 children.

That's 7 handicaps and 5 additional rules. Oh oh! Because of my fourth rule, I can call this a Monstracy. Get it?! Monster and Legacy! (Going for a play on Monstrosity.) Oh yes, I'm clever.

Now all these rules and handicaps are to make up for one major cheat: I'll be encouraging my founder and heirs to marry in spouses from the Cygnus family. I know that's technically against the rules, but I want the siblings of my Cygnus family to have stories of their own. Okay, so that's my evil plan. Wish me luck!~

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