Technically Draco and Bootes don't have to study anything, as Phoenix will be the next heir, but they're just so darn good at it. Phoenix, on the other hand, I mean, I don't know. Draco and Bootes skill so much faster. Maybe she's stupid. It makes no difference! She's still going to be the heir. Draco takes a day out to introduce himself to his neighbors and family. He meets Selene, Lacerta, Auriga, Aunt Phoebe, Hestia, Metatron, Berjes, Chamaeleon, briefly, Perses, Mensa and his grandpa, Helios. Whew! Busy day! He took a nap and still had time to beat Phoenix and Bootes in skill wars. Phoenix maxed Mech, Cha and Crea, though, which was my weekend goal. And Bootes needs 2 create to be maxed in all his skills.
Theia becomes an elder, and wow, does she look fierce. Oh. Phoenix does have pointy ears. Eh heh. Ummm.... I knew that. No, I didn't. Bootes becomes a teenager and a wealth sim. Oh, shit, that means he'll aspiration fail when he doesn't go to college. Oh well. He did skill cap. He's also totally hot. Some kids got in a fight on the lot on his birthday. Damn, he looks so familiar and I can't place him. Oh my gosh, what the hell?! Everyone keeps keeps breaking the damn toilets! Kevin! Bootes reminds me of my ex-boyfriend, Kevin. I placed him.
Draco went on a date with some teen fodder. I like her last name. Jitmakusol. Bootes also became acquainted with Pictor and Carina. He wants to be in business; Draco, in slacker. I see no reason why they can't, and Bootes gets his career in business. Teens be visiting my house like ureeday, trying to get in my kids' business. They are all ignored for the most part. Hayden and this other bitch got in a fight, though, that was pretty funny. The weekend came around again and I figured it'd be nice to introduce Draco and Bootes to the Cygnus booty and shiet. The ladies were treated to Sparkly Bass with Squash; Eos couldn't stay away from the hot spring and the rest of the ladies played with Draco and Bootes in the backyard with water balloons. So the girls not only got to know the boys pretty well, but each other, too. Win win.
Phoenix' birthday is fast approaching and her aspiration is less than optimal. We'll send her on a date with some local aspiration fodder. It took her becoming his friend to satisfy her aspiration bar. Can we say easy? She'll grow up quite happy, but not skill capped. By tonight she'll be pumped full of Perses genetic material.. What the hell is wrong with me? Anyway, she grew up healthy and happy and makes the booty call. She shares two bolts with him. Whoa! Perses was the one to make the first romantic move! Well, he is the last of the Cygnus men to take a woman. Also, conception on the first try. Se also got her secondary inspiration in romance. Gee whiz. But I totally called it, didn't I? Heh. Okay, she needs two more body and she'll be capped. She's already starting a family and has her job. All I need to worry about is what kind of monster to make her. Holy shit, she doesn't handle morning sickness at all well. Hmm, I think I've settled on turning her into a witch. She needs to meet Mensa. Draco's almost an adult and has yet to find his slacker job. He's also the only one in the household who knows Mensa. I know Eos is a witch, too, and Hades, but Mensa'd the one I know has the spell ingredients to turn Phoenix into a witch. I should have planned ahead for this. Phoenix maxed her skills. Draco's been buttering up Mensa to invite her over and introduce to Phoenix. The two are both family sims, I think, so they should get on well.
Draco went downtown to celebrate his last days of teenagerhood. Karaoke bar, for the win. Lepus, Chamaeleon, Borealis and Asteria joined him and Count Lam made an appearance to prey on one of the townies. Borealis kept bothering Lam, just asking to be bitten, but Lam was busy making an enemy of another townie and getting in fights. Mensa and Phoenix are now friends. It's time for Draco to grow up. His first act as an adult is invite over the Cygnus women and scope them out. is bride to be is Athena, for sharing the most bolts nd having the highest relationship. They went on a date in the dining room and Athena fell in love. Nyaw. Persephone started getting all up in Selene's business over something dramatic, I'm not sure what. So I sent Selene home. No, she wasn't the one causing shit, but Bootes doesn't know Persephone very well.
Phoenix came home from work in her pajamas, with a promotion and gave birth in the street. The child is male and christened Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs. Draco proposed to Athena and they were married in the streets, too. Holy shit, she brought in $146,117! Damn, lady, you loaded! They left some family funds with the lot, leaving Bootes a nice inheritance. $64,000 is nothing to scoff at. Tangent time! Draco and Athena got a place together and started a family. They had a boy, Hermes and got their dream jobs. However, disaster quickly ensued when Kendra, the nanny, was beseached by ghosts and died in the kitchen. Yes, I was still picking up the elderly and slowly starving them. One, however, refused to die. Her name is Denise Jacquet. She's still in the houses attic. Back to the main lot!
Denice Jacquet somehow escaped Draco's attic, and we can't be having that. Theia introduces herself, in the hopes that her new acquaintance will partake of the false cake. Pheonix comes home a Rock God. Denise isn't dumb, she's not once looked at Phyllis or her tempting tongue. Canes Venatici becomes a toddler; Virgo 10/2/9/8/1. He is freaking adorable! Bootes is an amazing teacher to his nephew. Canes learned to walk, talk and sing his nursery rhyme in one day, without the aid of smart milk! Phoenix again goes into labor with a girl. Her name is Crux, the Cross. Again, Phoenix invites Perses and again, conception is instantaneous. No, Phyllis! Don't eat him Phew. Close call. That cake is for elders only, understand Perses?!

Main lot action, HOOOOOO! Phoenix learns the way og a good witch. Crux toddlerfied and she has the same stats, features and z-sign as Canes Venatici. Jeez! She was fed the smart milk and learned everything to learn before the night was out. Phoenix gives birth to a boy, Corvus, the Crow. And so, Phoenix' mission is complete. She begins drafting her novel. Lolwut? She has a fear of casting a good spell. What the balls. Corvus has the same everything as Canes Venatici and Crux.
Phoenix Seraph
I've failed. I've failed. Why did I think I could lift this curse? Caelum couldn't Mensa couldn't. I tore through the Books of Light in search of a way to lift our penance. I've learned everything good and true in this world and still nothing. Nothing!
My babies, my poor beloved children. How do we let this world contain so much EVIL? Just so we can pass it unto them? How can Hades subject his family this? As much as us? Our families are so entwined, there is hardly anyway to distinguish a Cygnus from a Seraph! The children of Caelum are now more closely related to Hades! We have no place to hate them, because we are OF them.
Yes, I know, I was born into a glorious family, wanting for nothing, as privileged as they come. A child of much envy, and now? Even more so. Does that mean a damn thing to me? No. It means nothing. My children mean everything. And for their sake I will not, I CAN not stop looking for a way to end this!
My children will be shamed, like I was shamed. Does that make us tough? Sure. Is that an excuse for us to continue suffering? To live through this torment? Day in, day out! It's been nine generations. Nine. This needs to end!
Yes, I made something of myself, despite this damn curse, as many as my forbears have. In fact, as ALL of my forbears have. We have EARNED out salvation! So what if I'm a music legend? If that means I came make my plight, and my family's woes brought to light as the injustice it is? That's what I have to do. That's... what I'm doing.
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