Caelum gets old and Mensa starts getting all kinds of hormones and aspirations. She becomes a family sim. It's kind of weird, Mensa, Cam, and Dorado all have a special talent in science. Caelum's is in Music and Dance, and Metis' is in Fitness. Pretty weird. Camelopardalis and Dorado grew up on the same day. I'm still good at this, I'm not even trying! Cam rolls a 5, pop sim.
I'm being robbed! I can't call the cops because of my handicap and I don't have a house alarm because of another handicap! Hey, nice, he took my Re-nu-nu Sphere. That thing takes up 4 squares! Aw, balls! He took my new dresser! What a prick! Everyone cried and growled.

Yes, sir, I'm living paycheck to paycheck. The family has $329 to their name. This is how it should be! I mean, yeah, their shit is nice, but really. Rich houses are just so easy. I son't want easy. Do you think I'd have 12 house rules is I liked easy? Dude, I'm totally doing an Apocalypse Challenge after this.
I so love this. The girls from the Cygnus family just invite themselves over and call the daughters without even meeting them! Mnemosyne, Leto and Eos all call Mensa and Dorado, I presume not Camelopardalis because she's not actually part of the Cygnus family line, but whatevs.
Okay, so I'm going to be a douche to myself and make up another rule, and since Caelum had one of those original jobs, it doesn't matter that it's a little late. So! The first 10 career paths to be unlocked must be the original 10 when the game first came out. That's Athletic, Business, Crime, Culinary, Law Enforcement, Medicine, Military (which Caelum unlocked), Politics, Science and Slacker. Until these have all been topped, no family member may go to college. Ha! That's an additional rule, #13.
The reason for this is these careers generally make the least amount of money. This is a good thing, in my opinion. Metis got her job in the science career. All her kiddies are in school and the career is one of the originals, so I figured, what the heck, she did a great job raising 3 girls, she deserves to be happy. Also, I got enough bucks to get that fancy chess set and some chairs. Heee~ I have 5 people living in this house and only one bathroom. This must be remedied.

At least Pallas has been calling, informing Caelum their friendship is in a bit of a bind. Let's see if Mensa can help that at all. Oh, crack! Dorado teenifies as soon as Pallas comes over! 5 as well. At least Mensa's friends with Pallas now. I have to stop Metis from living vicariously through her daughters. Not only is it unhealthy, but sadly, neither of them will go to college, which is what she keeps rolling wants for. Admittedly, that's my fault but I'm not sorry. I just don't want an easy legacy. Metis does get promoted fast, though.
Mensa and Camelopardalis have both maced out all their skill. I can't say if Dorado will, she never got that smart milk the first two did. She's well on her way, though. Hmm, Mensa and Pallas are already friends. I don't remember them meeting. And he doesn't register as a family member to her. Interesting.~

Cam's getting close, too. I need to send her out to meet a bunch of people. There's still a chance she might have to be the heir. Both are still in the game, um, running. Oh shit! They need jobs! Mensa got one in Law Enforcement, the other two weren't original game jobs. The next morning Cam took one in Business.
Well, Pallas is bust. Even after a dream date he and Mensa only share 2 bolts. I guess the gay thing really messes with that sort of thing. Still can't believe he's still got sunburn.

Camelopardalis turned into an adult, getting promoted to Senior Manager, let's invite Oceanus over and see what kind of chemistry they have. Oh my. They also share two bolts. Oh dear, oh dear, oh my, oh my, which one, which one. I could flip a coin. Heads Mensa, tails Camelopardalis. Heads.. Mensa.. no. I want more alien babies! Plus Oceanus is a Cygnus, they get dibs.
Second date, it's woohoo time, Cam needs to get preggers. Her first time is going to be in public, too. She's crazeh! In a photobooth. Oh yes. She gets pregnant her first time. So I need spouses? Or can I just have sperm donors for my lady heirs? 'Cause I'd really just like it if I could just have the babies without moving people in. I'll leave that question for anyone who cares to comment.

Cam goes into labor with twins! Woo! Two our of three just like that! A boy, Orion, and a girl, Auriga! Neither have their mothers huge eyes! It's amazing! Oh sweet, we got a magic lamp. Didn't even see the gypsy. Uhh the young man Dorado went on a date with just brought another fountain just like the other one. I can't delete these, boys, just remember that!
Mensa finally reaches top of Law Enforcement as Captain Hero! Yes, another one. Oh my, lightning keeps hitting Caelum's grave. I hope it doesn't explode. Cam invites Oceanus over to fulfill his role in this legacy. Mission complete. These Cygnus men, I tell ya. Super fertile, err, potent. I dunno. Hey! Dorado makes a very special friend!

Camelo goes into labor again, because these are crazy women. Another boy! Reticulum. Ret, or Reti for short. So to recap, Monster, check; all skills, check; top career level, check; 3 babies, check. I think I can start writing that novel now. Oh, Orion and Auriga grew into children. Novel completed, royalties totaling $2,966. Nice~ 2nd generation complete.
As a child I felt I was responsible for the family curse. If I hadn't been born the Cygnus family wouldn't have had their grand idea. That's some tough guilt to bear as a little girl.
A reminder of his sin, is how my father described me. I grew up with strangers; people who couldn't ever trust me. And my father chose me to carry on the family line? I kept thinking this was all some sort of terrible joke, but he explained to me that I'd have the most significant story to tell because of my suffering. So I'll try to tell it.
I hated the Cygnus family. Knowing my family history, I naturally dubbed them my sworn enemies, having cursed my father and his seed forever after. Not only for cursing my father, but making me a pariah in the neighborhood I grew up in.
My father searched endlessly for a cure to our dark future. He studied the ways of the dark magic that cursed us, hoping the same dark magic could reverse our fate, to no avail. He charged Mensa, my half-sister and eldest of the three of us, to carry on his search for a cure, when he passed.
She would never stop searching, and to this day she carries on her charge. I trust that she has never given up and her faith that her family curse will be lifted. My ever persistent prayers request her finding that cure. The dark magic Hades befell us must be lifted. I cannot bear my existence continuing this atrocity.
Being raised a monster, I exasperated my efforts to win the hearts of my family, urged them to look beyond my horrible disfigurements. To my delight it seemed to work. Even Metis, who was not my mother, learned to care as much for me as her own daughters, and Mensa and Dorado were as close to me as full blood sisters.
But at what cost? I had denied my stellar callings. To return to the heavens of this world, To leave my woes behind me and travel the stars. I was utterly ashamed of this part of me. No. I would stay and make a living here. I would not run from this doom. I would support my father and his family.
To add insult to injury I had somehow caught the eye of one of the men who constructed the curse on my family, the vampire Oceanus, during a family affair with Metis and her daughters. Considering my appearance I tried to be as friendly as possible, though not particularly to the Cygnus family. Despite this, he seemed enamored with me. He pursued me relentlessly.
It would be several years before I allowed him in my bed. His tenacity won my heart, despite my hate for his lineage. Soon I would be with child, and before the child was born my father passed, never knowing his grandchild. Mensa was charged with curing the family, and Dorado still a child yet. So it was up to me the bear the next generation of accursed Seraphs.
I gave birth to twins the autumn after my fathers passing, Orion and Auriga. Soon after Oceanus would come to call on me again. He came to ask if I wanted eternal life, to be as he was. I refused. The cost was too high. I wouldn't be able to see my children grow. I asked instead that he keep an eye on our children, and their children, after my passing. Though I didn't plan on dying anytime soon, and had a long while yet 'til I expected that to happen. We shared a bed together one last time, then I told him to never visit again or I might reconsider his offer.
I was again with child. A little goodbye present. So I gave up youth eternal for sentimentality. I guess I'm not the monster everyone thought.
I hated the Cygnus family. Knowing my family history, I naturally dubbed them my sworn enemies, having cursed my father and his seed forever after. Not only for cursing my father, but making me a pariah in the neighborhood I grew up in.
My father searched endlessly for a cure to our dark future. He studied the ways of the dark magic that cursed us, hoping the same dark magic could reverse our fate, to no avail. He charged Mensa, my half-sister and eldest of the three of us, to carry on his search for a cure, when he passed.
She would never stop searching, and to this day she carries on her charge. I trust that she has never given up and her faith that her family curse will be lifted. My ever persistent prayers request her finding that cure. The dark magic Hades befell us must be lifted. I cannot bear my existence continuing this atrocity.
Being raised a monster, I exasperated my efforts to win the hearts of my family, urged them to look beyond my horrible disfigurements. To my delight it seemed to work. Even Metis, who was not my mother, learned to care as much for me as her own daughters, and Mensa and Dorado were as close to me as full blood sisters.
But at what cost? I had denied my stellar callings. To return to the heavens of this world, To leave my woes behind me and travel the stars. I was utterly ashamed of this part of me. No. I would stay and make a living here. I would not run from this doom. I would support my father and his family.
To add insult to injury I had somehow caught the eye of one of the men who constructed the curse on my family, the vampire Oceanus, during a family affair with Metis and her daughters. Considering my appearance I tried to be as friendly as possible, though not particularly to the Cygnus family. Despite this, he seemed enamored with me. He pursued me relentlessly.
It would be several years before I allowed him in my bed. His tenacity won my heart, despite my hate for his lineage. Soon I would be with child, and before the child was born my father passed, never knowing his grandchild. Mensa was charged with curing the family, and Dorado still a child yet. So it was up to me the bear the next generation of accursed Seraphs.
I gave birth to twins the autumn after my fathers passing, Orion and Auriga. Soon after Oceanus would come to call on me again. He came to ask if I wanted eternal life, to be as he was. I refused. The cost was too high. I wouldn't be able to see my children grow. I asked instead that he keep an eye on our children, and their children, after my passing. Though I didn't plan on dying anytime soon, and had a long while yet 'til I expected that to happen. We shared a bed together one last time, then I told him to never visit again or I might reconsider his offer.
I was again with child. A little goodbye present. So I gave up youth eternal for sentimentality. I guess I'm not the monster everyone thought.
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