Metis, being a mad scientist, endeavors to reanimate the dead! But her limping cohort, Grivello, misplaces her schematics! Metis must make a hurried decision, the green wires or the orange. Everyone knows green is more diabolical than orange! Green it is! Metis runs a checklist though her mind ad with brazen confidence and a cruel chuckle, she throws the switch. Sparks go flying, electricity zaps through the lab and the lights go out. Metis scrambles for the back up generator and light once again bathes her sinister laboratory; her subject once again able to enjoy the sun's soft glow. It's alive! The fern, moments before as lifeless as a corpse, is alive!
Metis has broken through the horticultural stalemate and sells her patent for a cool $55,000. Shit, I'm up to $80,000 already.
Orion and Auriga are racing to skill cap before their twin. I swear, having green skin gives Orion an unfair advantage, despite both of them getting the same smart milk and having the same parents, he just womps her in skills. Reticulum became a child. He and Orion are actually quite handsome. I am pleased. All three are children at the same time! It's so cool! That means three teenagers at the same time, too. Hmm.

Dorado achieved Hall of Famer, thus earning her permaplatness and unlocking yet another career for the family. 5 careers down. Headmaster Ryan joins the family for dinner to assess the latest Seraph brood. Metis cooks the man some juicy buttery lobster, while Dorado butters him up. Fuck, Metis burned the lobster! We'll just throw that in the fridge for leftovers. He'll never know. Except I ran out of groceries! I can't win tonight. Single serving it is. We can feed our other guests the burnt lobster. Cam takes over cooking the lobster, though. I don't trust Metis anymore. Damn, he went for the burnt lobster. Shit. Oh. Despite it being burned, the food got a 44 score. Reticulum, Orion and Auriga all got into private school. Heee. Now to take care of this 'no grocery' business.
Pochi hasn't shown up lately, I keep meaning for Dorado to ask him over, but I keep focusing on the kids. Speaking of whom, Auriga and Orion just grew into teens. Auriga rolls a 2. Knowledge! Orion a 3. Romance. Great! Yes! Poshi nibbled on Dorado! EEEEE! She's a werewolf now! AAAAA I LOVE IT! Oh dear. She has the option to 'savage' Cam. She's your sister, you sicko! Saving, saving, saving. Oh funderful! Cam set the oven on fire! She managed to put it out, but not before Gilbert, the wolf, came to bark at the flames.
The next day Dorado robbed the family coffers and sought out her own living style, with a particular beau in mind. Orion got a job in politics. A romance sim in politics, what a recipe for disaster, eh? And Death came for Granny Metis. Shit! She's being taken in her pjs. How dignified. The family sobbed all weekend, which made skilling difficult, but not impossible. Auriga, with her new Eureka! buff blew Orion out of the water in the race. Actually, it was pretty damn close. Orion was only a few hours late. They topped out their skills on the same day. These are teenagers! They still have 2 weeks of being teenagers. Oh, Orion wants to be a chef, so we're keeping our eyespeeled for that job opening.
Reticulum fast becomes a teenager and the young man rolls Family. I like this kid. Omigosh! I notice his talent is science so I dsend him outside to that telescope and he gets abducted immediately! I just wanted his fun to go up! He's capped for logic. What have I done!? At least they returned him unscathed. Teens can't get alien preggers. Heee.
Gah! Not cool, Epimetheus! Orion has to look in there for his culinary job! Grrr! Dudes' been stealing my newspapers! ... Et tu, Hades? What the fuck, guys?! No culinary jobs.
Reticulum topped all his skills. Holy shit.. playing kicky bag (otherwise known as hacky sack) with people boosts relationships like a mofo. Oh, Camelopardalis is being abducted by aliens now. I should really stop being so surprised when that happens.
Orion finally got a job in culinary the day before his birthday. Psshh. That's kinda weird. Metis is haunting during the day. Hmmm, I should be picking an heir, shouldn't I? And finding spouses. Welp, I gues I'm rolling. 1 + 2 for Auriga, 3 + 4 for Orion and 5 + 6 for Reticulum. 1. Auriga.
This generation's going to be one of the wolves! I went to Dorado and Mensa's lot and invited over Auriga, Reti tagged along, and had Dorado 'savage' Auriga. As dirty as that sounds, they just got into a little scuffle. Dorado kicked Auriga's ass. That's not cheating, right? hehe
Afterward I took Auriga, Orion and Reti out to meet some people, maybe their cousins, the Cygnus'. -wink- -wink-
Auriga met Helios Cygnus, who is an absolute stud in her opinion. (And he's a Cygnus, so all's good.) She shares 2 bolts with him. Fabulous, I just found my next sperm donor. Maybe I should add him to the family and move him in, but I have such a limited amount of Cygnus men!
That afternoon a publisher approached Orion about writing a cookbook. Apparently Orion likes Asian cooking, so he wrote a book about that. The book sold well and Orion nets $10,000. Nice. He'll get an extra aquarium when he moves out. ... Shit, never mind. I got him fired the next day. Shit!
Auriga invited Helios over the for their first date; since both of them are knowledge sims Helios wanted to become a werewolf and Aruiga wanted to turn him into one. Later on in the date it was the only date-want they shared. I had to!
Anyway, the next day Auriga and Orion had the day off so I thew a little Cygnus bash. Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter and Helios popped over, and Vanessa Chen tagged along. Wow! Orion and Demeter have 3 bolts, unadulterated. Woot! But Auriga and Helios still only have 2 bolts. Hrmmm, troublesome, troublesome. I might have to switch my heirs.
Auriga reaches Professional Party Guest, topping the Slacker career track. That leaves Criminal, Culinary, Medicine and Politics. Ret grew up and was promoted to Bank Robber. He shares two bolts for Aphrodite. I'm thinking Orion is the next heir, he and Demeter take the reigns. Wow, he shares 3 bolts for Hestia Cugnus, too. She's married. Too late!
Oki Doki, Orion's the heir, Auriga reached the top of her career track, she can move out. And does move out, she'll be taking over Demeter's old house. Before she left she scuffled up Orion, turning him into a werewolf. Demeter and Orion were engaged later that same night. Man, I'm such a cheater.
Auriga kinda went on a ravaging spree, she turned 2 townies, Helios and Orion. She's a monster!
Orion and Demeter were married, to Demeter's delight. She married into money (even though family funds are only at $9,000.) Demeter conceives their second attempt. Generation 4 is in the works! Wooo!
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Retialready got to Criminal Mastermind?! He's only 3 days into his adulthood! Jeez! Welp, okay. Rob the house again. He's going to need a big house for Aphrodite. Luckily Orion got his job back as a dishwasher. He has to start al over again. From the beginning. It's all up to him now, though, so he's gotta get to the top of that career track! Demeter goes into labor with a boy! They [I] named him Columba (the Dove). Quick conception and Demeter gets a job in the Medical career track. Camelo retires so she can start taking care of her grandkiddies, Thank God, her helicopter was so dang loud.

Okay, okay. Lepus is a Libra, 6/10/2/8/9 and Monoceros is a Sorpio, 10/8/10/7/0. Ho man, these guys learn hella fast.
Woohoo! Orion's become a Celebrity Chef! Now to get started on that novel.
It's A Cookbook!
Alien Delicacies: Fauna Casserole
3 cps Fish Scales
2 tbs Bird Bones (crushed)
3 frogs (Alive is preferable but not necessary)
2 Snake Eggs
2 Cat's Eyes (minced)
1 Dog Brain
10-15 Ladybugs
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place dog brain in center of buttered casserole dish, later in 1.5 cps fish scales, sprinkle in crushed bird bone and place frogs around brain, then add in remainder of fish scales. Top with snake eggs, sprinkle in minced cat eyes and lady bugs. Bake for 50 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes. Refrigerate leftovers.
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