Time to set up an appointment to entertain the headmaster of Ebonwood Private School again. Yes, yes. I did cook lobster just for you; oh, you'd like to see the house again? Here are three rooms out of the twenty-six, overwhelmed already? Well! Thanks for visiting, get the feck out. Yep, the kids are in private school.
Columba was struck by lightning and died the next day, but not before he and Artemis threw an anniversary party (long time coming) and invited everyone they loved to witness their death. Coeus started shit with Pyxis, so I sent him on his way and caught Pandora instead. All the men were absolutely fascinated with her, Reticulum, Pyxis, Columba (before he died). Then he died, surrounded by his whole family. It was touching.
A few days later, Corona Austrina and Corona Borealis became teenagers. Austrina rolled a 2 and Borealis a 6. Haven't had a Pleasure sim in a while.

The twins capped out on all their skills that night, too. Austrina was abducted by aliens. He was kinda asking for it. When he returned his whole family laughed at the poor boy! Berenices capped out all her skills AS A CHILD! Insanity. Insanity! All the kids are on the honor roll, too and the twins both have jobs. I. Am. So. Bored.
At the beginning of the next week, Berenices grows into a teenager and rolls a 3. Romance The house seems so empty without Columba and Artemis, so the twins brought home a dog, Seneca. I especially made her friendly in hopes of having puppies someday. Lyra aged into elderlihood. I invited Pallas's and Pyxis' households over, so Seneca could meet their dogs, Cicero and Augustine. Well, the humans had a grand old time, but Seneca just laid around. How disappointing.
The twins are fast approaching their next age transition. Their last days of teenagerhood were spent on the family and Seneca. Berenices followed soon after. This is the part where they trot through life with nothi-.. wait. Berenices and Borealis are Pleasure and Romance sims. That should make things a little more interesting. Also, instead of setting the kids up in a dormitory, they had enough money in scholarships for a college house. The group is well off in money, but they won't have any dorm mates to do their term papers, and I can't buy a compu-.. Oh! Mr. Humble dropped one off for me, how thoughtful. And! Finding patsies to do the papers are in no short supply! That's amazing. I thought, maybe not being in a dorm would be at least slightly more challenging.

The kids are well on their way in the way of romance. Austrina caught the eye of Serene, and Borealis won the heart of Mnemosyne. Though, neither of them share any bolts with the Cygnus ladies. Coma Berenices is having a rather inappropriate relationship with her Drama Professor, as well. All three have been dating anyone they can get their hands on, and naturally, there's some overlap. The first lucky duck to date two of the 6th generation kids is the creepy ass drama professor.

Borealis is big pimpin'. He makes friends way faster than his siblings, the supposed pop sims. He's like.... casa nova or something. Welp, they all graduated Summa Cum Laude and they're all permaplat somehow. Such an easy game.
The grilled cheese brigade is back together again. I have plans for Come Berenices. I forgot about that. Plans! The first to get a job is Austrina as a comic book penciller. This is about the time that I discover the family has 38 friends. Wow!
Why does everyone want my freaking gnomes?! There! Take them! They're ugly, anyway! Freaking weirdos! Is that some kind-o-suburban ritual? Anyone who does that is freaking crazy!
My game crashes. Aw, damn! Austrina and Borealis both had their jobs and lemon, orange and apple trees were like always infested! Berenices was surely about to become a plantsim! Balls! Cock and balls! Cock, Balls and Chains! It's a sad, sad day.

Ha! Success! Coma Berenices became a plant sim! I missed it, as usual, but Hurrah! Haroo! Also, also, Austrina got his job in Artistry! Save, save, save. EEEeeee! Asexual reproduction. That's one way to beat the male decline population. Woot!
Austrina and Borealis brought home the Photography Camera and Laganaphyllis Simnovorii. Still no job for Berenices. And Seneca and Cicero just refuse to play with each other. I didn't know you could command your pets to play with other animals! Jeez, I've had had Cicero over all the time if I'd known. Oh, cool. I got them to try for puppies! Ahhh! Seneca's pregnant! Happy! Omygosh! Woo! ... Wow, I'm so much more excited about animals getting pregnant. But but but! Puppies!! Save, save, save.~

Borealis has reached Ecological Guru status and now goes to work in the buff. That, combined with his unsurpassed seductive skills is outright blasphemous to his alleged 2, I says, 2 outgoing points. On the day of his promotion, he [I] felt mighty generous and invited Themis over for Austrina's benefit. Of course, Mnemosyne is invited as well. She is to be Borealis' betrothed. However, not until Seneca has her puppies. which is now! Two boys and a girl. Oh shit. I need to name them! Hahaha! Brilliant! Anaxagoras, Anaximander, and Amaximenes. They all look the same as pumpkins... puppies. The legacy lot is TOTALLY keeping one of these puppies! The 6th generation kids picked their pups. Anaxagoras is Berenices', Anaximander is is Borealis' and Anaximenes is Australis'. Berenices has to race outside to keep Phyllis Laganaphyllis from eating Edith Cygnus, Epimetheus' wife and Apollo's mother. Even if she is a terrible person. That kid of hers has so many problems.
Demeter's ghost is so cool, it [she?] cleans the house along with scaring the family. She takes out the trash, makes the beds, clears the tables and cleans the bathrooms! It's like having a maid! A dead maid. Oh yea.

What do ya know. He's already on the lot upon arrival, talking to Leto. Aphrodite, Ares and my simself are on the lot, as well. Visiting a bathhouse in the winter might not be a good idea, so I'll make the encounter as brief as possible. Okay, relationship established, he can be invited over now. Eh heh. Time to vacate this death trap!
That evening, Pyxis' family is invited over so that Cicero can meet his puppies, and Borealis invited Mnemosyne (and Themis) over to declare his everlasting devotion to her, and propose. She's ecstatic. Austrina takes the opportunity to propose to Themis, she also says yes. I don't know why, but I always thought of Austrina as the loser. Anyway, the boys are officially engaged and as soon as Austrina tops out his career in Art, the boys are taking their sweeties and their puppies and moving out!
After Themis and Austrina's date, Themis stopped by to drop off a freaking pinball machine! Does that count as electric? I think it does; we're putting that in the man's inventory for now.

Oh, marvelous! All the paintings these guys did in college all just glitched out. Perfect. Oh well, Austrina reached the top of his artistic career, time to slice the household population in twain, only to double it again with children. Hmm, how does one slice $590,000 down the middle. Corona Austrina and Corona Borealis have both set up their stakes. Now it's baby-making time. For them, I mean.
Austrina and Themis set up in a spacious semi-modern house, and decorated as if Austrina was, instead of an Art Visionary, an archaeological college professor. I should have taken pictures, it's actually very tasteful. Themis took a job as a business C.E.O. and was soon with child. She bore a boy, Pan. Do I already have a Pan? I don't think so. Oh man, he is a looker. Austrina and Themis did hire a butler to be able to spend more time with Pan and Anaximenes. Anaximenes knows all her tricks now.

I really don't understand butler logic. Rake leaves, put leaves in garbage bag, put garbage bag in garbage disposal unit in the kitchen, take out crushed garbage bag from kitchen and take to trash can in front of house, then move on to second pile of leaves and begin the whole process over again, when there are four freaking trees and fifteen piles of damn leaves! It's not over yet, folks. This is the first day of autumn! The trees are going to shit more leaves later that same day, for four whole days! This is how I pay my butler for one-fourth of the damn year! And it's not just Baena, it's every butler in the neighborhood.

I can't take anymore of Baena. I've had enough burnt pancakes! He's getting the boot. Corona Borealis will quit his job and be master of his own damn house. Oh, wait, no. I need a gardener!
See, now that I've topped out a skill in toddlerhood with ... was it Lynx? I'm doing it all the time now. Pan capped out Charisma and Endymion is soon encroaching that triumph, as well. It's just a little out of hand! Anaximander and Anaximenes capped out on all their tricks, too. They've tamed considerably since their couch destroying, bed slumbering stranger attacking days. I find that if I can cut corners I usually will. Endymion's entire existence so far has been limited to the kitchen. His crib, potty training toilet and Wobbly Wabbit Head are all in there. He doesn't even know anyone except his parents and Anaximander. It's almost like he's an attic baby. Except he's a kitchen baby. He's completely happy; his relationship with them is optimal. Yet, somehow, it still feels like poor childcare. He does have his own room... it's just upstairs, where he can't get to.

The flower children, as they will be referred to henceforth, have all of Mother Berenices' skill points, and, sadly, her ears; and do not have a childhood, teenagerhood, or young adulthood. Means no college. They are short-lived and don't need to study shit. That's one rule taken care of. Oh! That's right. Berenices can begin her novel. Her work is complete.
Coma Berenices
That's right. That's my name. Coma Berenices Seraph. What was my mother thinking? Was she on crack? Is she completely mental? Don't talk shit 'bout my momma!
Of course, us kids didn't see much of our mother growing up. You know that 'cause you read her novel before mine, because that's just compulsive. I can't say I really cared much. We had Grammy and Grampy takin' care a' us. They was cool.
That's not what I wants ta talk about though. Growing up, I found solace in the gardens. Our estate is gigantic, but somehow we don't need servants to keep house. We pro like that. In doing so, I developed a mega appreciation for things that grow. Yes, people, too, but mostly plants. My brother, Borealis, was the biological scientist, though, and I didn't want to follow his footsteps because he's a super slut bag... Well, I was, too. I mean, I never knew my daddy, and Mom was always aloof, so it's only natural, right? Admittedly, that was one of the reasons I joined drama class, and eventually majored in drama. All those people watching me. I couldn't get enough of it. Borealis would always a ladies man, but I! I had peoples attention. They all looked at me on stage and that was the biggest high for me. After college I kept my eyes out for auditions and the like, but, at home, my childhood fascination was rekindled and I soon grew to be closest with the trees and flowers and vegetables.
This led to my incident. Oh, I was still looking for that perfect job. Not wanting to be a mooch on the family coffers, doing my part to earn it's glorious majesty. After a while of tending to my beloved flora, however, I began feeling the effects of the insecticide I used on them to keep them healthy. In my sickness to this poison, the trees I had befriended granted me a body that could benefit, rather than disintegrate from the chemicals I was dousing myself in to keep my garden alive. I had no idea of the consequences and accepted life instead of slow, painful death.
Now, I never intended to be the child that carried on the family curse. I always figured it'd be Austrina or Borealis, they being my seniors. But, upon my horrible disfigurement, the boys felt relieved! Neither of them wanted to take on the curse either! And, as the curse befell me and not them, they were free to pursue their own aspirations and leave the family and it's shame.
I was outraged at their audacity in leaving me with this terrible burden! As I saw it, I was completely forsaken! Little did I know that my condition would lead to my ultimate fame and glory in show business. Indeed, the filming studios and casting directors loved my defects, casting me as fairies, villains and the like. My deformity had become my catalyst to stardom! I was rather dumbfounded, but, nonetheless, grateful to my newly acquired flora sistren and much of the fortune I've earned has rightly gone to their prosperity.
Another of my benefits being famous, I was fortuitous enough to track down my biological dad and his family. Yes, of course, it was awkward, but I did value the chance to know him in some way. He had a whole different family, as you know, but I didn't hold that against him. I know family is something most people cherish, soo... Well, not to me, and obviously not to him, or is it? I haven't come to a decision about him yet. I mean, even now.
Anyway, Yes, I achieved stardom, my brothers deserted me to start families of their own, and I was in no place to blame them. It was time I started one of my own, despite my inexperience and ambiguity on the inner workings of the family structure. Being that I was getting on in age and didn't have a lover... Probably something I shouldn't admit. Well, piss off! It's my life! Really I can only stand one person in my line of work and she already has a family. My only choice was a gift granted to me by my flora saviors; the ability to procreate asexually. And I did so. My beloved planty chillens: Pavo, Apus and Tucana. I've come to my present existence now. Tell me, is this the memoir you expected of a superstar? I hope you at least enjoyed it. Ha!
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