Lyra retired from dishing out orders to 007 wannabes to be with her grandchildren. while Coma Berenices made the scenes at red carpet events. They don't eat, sleep, poop, nothing. They're completely self-sustained in the nursery, content with their toys and chimes and pay no attention to anyone. Not even each other. I feel like their more robots that plant kiddies. They do seem to have a soft spot for the dogs, though.

I'm pretty sure the flower children are going to age transition the same day Lyra dies of old age. At least none of them have that fear. That would put even more of a dampener on the situation. It's a salad medley in the nursery! As Lyra's invited by Death to a tropical vacation in heaven, before he drops her back off on the lot to haunt her forebears for eternity.
The flower generation has rolled their permanent aspirations and I am rather pleased with the outcome. Apus and Tucana are financially motivated, while Pavo has more wholesome and domestic aspirations. They're wealth, she's family. Oh, I never did run off their numbers. It doesn't matter, they're all the same as their mother; 7/2/9/6/3. They all have different zodiac sings, strangely enough. They were all 'born' the same night, Apus s a Virgo, Pavo a Pisces and Tucana a Capricorn. They have no relationships with each other. At least they know their siblings exist.
Oh, goodie! Pavo has three bolts for Helios! So he's her great uncle. That's not weird. Heh. But what luck! Tucana doesn't share enough bolts for Helios or Perses. Pavo's date with Helios was stellar. They fell madly in love with each other her first day as an adult and their first day of meeting each other.
She also nabbed the first job from the newspaper in Adventuring as an ambassador's intern... A penguin just came unto my lot and peed! Then just left again! What?! What an asshole!
Since the flower children have nothing to fret about they have an excessive amount of free time. Having a job takes care of some of that, sure, but I mean, these guys don't even sleep. so to kill some time and improve their relationships they just sit around and shoot the breeze. Very, very boring. yet effective. Apus got a job in Entertainment, like his uncle Borealis. His LTW hasn't popped up yet so until then, entertainment it is.
Tucana used the day to explore Ebonwood. Like a moth to a flame, she found herself at the bathhouse and ran into Selene and Robo-Michael. They played kicky bag. I feel nervous that the servos go to that lot. Nervous for their safety. Also, I don't know how to feel about one of them being a vampire I still don't get how that's supposed to work. They need sun to recharge, yet... Guh. I'm afraid to go to that lot.
Tucana us a rather apt social butterfly. She's not only friends with Selene and Robo-Michael, but Sandalphon, Eos and Persephone. I'm quite impressed. Since Lyra's passing the family friends was down to eight, now it's up to thirteen. Whoa! Apus was struck by lightning in the hot spring! Robo-Raphael strolls past the lot and Tucana pounced on the opportunity to have another robo friend. I believe that's three of six that she's befriended now.
Anaxagoras has the bad habit of sleeping on the beds, but as none of these plantsims sleep, I just don't see the point in chastising him. Everyone in the house wants a freaking kitten. Poor, Tucana. Her aspiration is so low. She wants to cure Helios and Sandalphon of their Lycanthropy [not to mention that darn non-existent kitten.] She can't have these things. It's like she's a fam sim instead of a wealth sim. Maybe a secondary aspiration will
Seneca has passed away. Her grave is placed by Lyra's. Apus gets his secondary aspiration roll, as well. Man, these guys are tough to please! 6, Pleasure. Befitting of an entertainer, I think. Hahaha! I was upset with Tucana's job still not being in the newspaper. I sent her to the Barbershop but didn't care what she did there. She started rapping in front of the building and everyone started swooning over her. It was totally adorable! She is fast becoming my favorite flower child. She and Apus are affctionate toward each other, too. Hmmm, time to get down to business. We've had witches, werewolves, aliens and plant sims. We still need a zombie and a vampire! Pavo's children, at least one anyway, will have to go to college and achieve the paranormal career. Definitely vampire next generation.
Tucana's job still hasn't been in the newspaper, she's vented fer [my] frustration all week by going to community lots and meeting as many of her neighbors as possible. Of the twenty seven people she knows, including family, fifteen are her friends. Tonight she's going to throw a party. She's been antsin' for one for a few day now and it's the perfect opportunity for Apus to scope out the ladies. Make sure Phyllis is fed so we don't have any mishaps. I wonder if she's eat a servo. I invited Muchael and Sandalphon over, too. Ugh. Apus is going to have to do his own woman hunting. I can't believe none of these ladies tickles his fancy! He's in a clown costume for Pete's sake! How is he going to be picky?!
Yes, they ate dinner with their guests. Never minding that they don't need to eat. They have to appear to be a little normal. How else are they going to sack their spouses? Tucana's party was an encouraging success. I think it's time to stop feeding Phyllis and put her in the front yard for her to start eating the townies. I wonder if robot's can become plant sims. Oh great, Tucana fancies Pyxis. No idea how they can be such fast friends talking about the weather!
Phyllis has partaken of the culinary delights that is human flesh. Old man Neil Cameron never saw it coming. Berenices just couldn't watch Phyllis go hungry, but feeding her was getting out of hand. Ostrich legs are expensive! So she sort of, you know, maybe, set up the inevitable encounter. She's not evil! Apus is the one that drank him. Not in the sick way! ... Well, I mean it is pretty sick, but I mean... never mind what I meant. The next day Berenices and Apus watch out for innocent passerby's to feed to phyllis. They decided to let the young slutty ladies alone, but old lady Sarah McHartny chose the short straw and became Laganaphyllis Phyllis' next meaty delight. Ooo, I want beef jerky now.
You may notice a pattern here. Why old people, you ask? Is it because old people are useless societal leeches? Because their existence reminds me of my own mortality? Because they've been around since generation one of legacy one and I'm tired of seeing their hideously faces? Seeing as none of that's true, they aren't the reasons. I'll tell you why.
Before I knew what was good for my neighborhood I aged up all my sims friends when the chance ws given. This led to a drastic influx of the elderly persuasion. Now I really do adore the elderly sims, but over half of my townie populous is/are pensioners.And none of them die from old age like my playables. Now because of this, no new townies spawn and the school are empty apart from the families' children. There're no new townie blood. I'm thinning the herd, so to speak. I won't eat all the old people. I promise.
Welp, time for Pavo to start the 8th generation. Helios is more than happy to supply the genetic material. Oh, I'm such a bastard. Successful conception, hurray.~ I wonder what kind of behavior a pregnant plantsim will exhibit. Scientific observation, HOOOO! Well, she still gets morning sickness. Other than that her stats decay as normal.
Poor Anaxagoras! How long have you been without food?! Serves you right for eating when you weren't hungry, glutton! My poor, poor handsome puppy lovekins! Don't judge me.
Tucana isn't as good at feeding poeple to Phyllis as her mother and brother. Either that or Christa Shu is savvy to the families new dark past time. Either way, Phyllis is without a mean today, it seems. She's got to eat some time and that slice of cake is so deceptively delicious looking. Yes! She took the bait! Mwahahahahhahahaha! This if for the good of the neighborhood. Remember!
This generation is totally making use of the Ancient Hot Spring. (I think it was purchased in the first or second generation.) Surprise, surprise. Apus shares 3 bolts for Pandora. Everyone always loves Pandora. That's okay, his spouse is set. No one else can have her! At least he's in a coat of arms this time. Much more alluring than a clown get up. He is such a bashful date, it's adorable. Really befitting him wearing knight's armor. He was such a gentleman.
Well, it was bound to happen. Phyllis' fourth victim was a young, nubile, make-up slathered lady. We will not miss you, Kaylynn Spitzig. I love Phyllis. She's so happy when someone milks her and delighted that whoever does jumps for joy after they've sampled her unique life.. I just can't say this in a non-perverted manner. Her unique brand of V8 Dairy supplement. I dislike the idea of a pregnant plant sim being outside in the winter. It just sounds so prenatally neglectful. Pavo's staying inside for the duration of her pregnancy. Having sims that don't sleep is so agonizing. -whine.- Why did I save the longest monsters for last?! I wonder what a zombie popsickle looks like. Well, in the middle of another of Tucana's parties, Pavo goes into labor. It was a monster party, Crius, Oceanus, Hyperion; Come Berenices tried to get Metatrom, but he was working. It's a girl, by the way. She is name Vela, the Sail. The hydroponic lamps don't hurt Oceanus. Maybe a plant vampire is possible.
Pavo wasted no time getting herself knocked up again, Neither did Berenices and Apus when it came to feeding Phyllis. Mr. Jihoon Young's contribution does not go unappreciated. But who to partake of him. Hmmm. It's something like ten days into Tucana's adulthood and she's still unemployed. I think Phyllis' newest victim should go to her. I refuse to get her a job in anything else but dancing! It's her fondest wish!
It appears Phyllis' moo juice is retro active. Come Berenices hasn't been aging at all. Pavo reached Dread Space Pirate. Two more babies and a novel and I'm done. This has been a real short generation. Apus returns also. Topped out in entertainment. Time to take his beloved Pandora and find some digs of their own. I have no qualms booting his ass out. He's got no friends anyway... That makes him sound so pathetic. They're soon married, and spend their night of marital bliss in Grandma Lyra's bed. Oh ho ho, they're so disrespectful!
Son of a bitch, my game crashed. Lawl, shit. Pavo's still pregnant with the unborn Vela. At least the last time I saved was right at her birth. Hmm, except this time the child's a boy. Vela sounds like a girls name, so this one's name will be Volans, the Flying Fish. Phyllis' human meals are back to four. Oh dear, Tucana kissed Oceanus on his way out. He's already got 7 kids, lady!
Berenices and Apus resume their post on the bench outside to be on the look out for Phyllis' next meal. [It's so much easier writing out her name than typing it. Why did I have to fixate on her so much!?] And Tucana once again, checks to see if Dancing is in the newspaper. It isn't. It's the same routine everyday, and I'm dying. DYING! The cow plant ate Vyn Scott. I really like that name. And I can look at it now, whenever I please. I don't know that plant sims know that babies need food. None of them have fed Volans. It's been two days. She seems healthy enough. It's just.. unnatural.
Tucana inviteed Edith Apollo and their dog, Spinoza over. I'd forgotten what Spinoza looked like. He is so handsome. I think I'll have him copulate with Anaximenes. Oh yes. I have puppy fever.
Pavo and Apus top their careers again, Apus marries Pandora again, but this time I'm moving them out right away and setting them up in the old Capulet Mansion. Apus bought a Plantophic-C potion from the gypsy, but before using it, re called on the powers of auto-pollination and grew a plant baby. Oh my gosh! A boy! I'm so lucky!~ The flower childs name is Anteros. One of the War Gods many sons. He has pointy ears! Nyaw! I'm so happy!
EEEEE! Apus' human form is so TOTALLY sexy! Dark skin, black hair, gray eyes. -swoon- I'm saving! Apus wasn't tired so he spent the night listening to sims, the original music and played sims 3 on the computer. All three sims games! This should be an achievement. Pandora fawned all over Anteros the next morning. Apus has taught Pandora the ways of serial killing and Pandora's tortuous tendencies blossom tenfold. She has, in her clutches, Makato St. Julien and Michelle Bertino and keeps them secreted away in a fenced off area to watch them slowly starve to death. Actually, the fenced off area is in the front yard and everyone is able to witness their suffering. I know, completely deranged. Unless I want to build a pool and keep taking out the pool ladder this is the only natural way to kill them off without getting a Laganaphyllis Simnovorii plant for this house as well. [Without cheating.] They cry a lot. I michg not have the heart to do this. No. I'm not getting a pool. Out of sight out of mind. How else do people die? Fire, out of the question, I'm not risinking Pandora's life. She's pregnant! Lightning, unpredictable. Flies, well, they're stinky enough. Satellite, non playable.
Pandora goes into labor with another baby boy! Eeee! Black hair, light BLUE eyes. Oh, I'm delighted! Elated! Ecstatic! Saving,~ Oh! His nam eis Deimos. Another of Ares' sons. I think the elderly have learned not to walk passed my houses. I know there's more of them out there. Along with the dead elderly people I've been snatching off the street, the lot came with a grave of it's own. The dead lady's name is Rainelle Neengia. (Ninja?) She's a complete mystery. What I do know about her is that she died quite young and dressed like a prostitute... So there might be a dead prostitute's ghost haunting the old Capulet Mansion. Now you know. Also, this house comes with a large graveyard-type area and was virtually empty save for Rainelle's. It's my civic duty to fill it up.
-sigh- Pandora's job won't show up but guess what!? Dance has shown up twice! Anteros got a slacker job. Deimos plays with the blocks and Christian Love passed out in his death pen. Ho hum. I can't believe he hasn't died form exposure. I guess he lives up to his namesake. Everyone heart-farts at him when they walk by. I have three spots left in my grave yard and 2 pending gravestone, I mean victims, I mean elderly gentlemen whom this family takes good care of in their last days in this world. What's interesting is that the prostitute is the only one that ever haunts. Oki doki, third senior obtained.... Okay, I've picked up an extra. The man had the audacity to walk by! He was asking for it. I can always make more room in the graveyard. That lot is huge.
Poor Anteros was a little down in the dumps. He's hankering for true love, but all the people he knows are his immediate family. And that's wrong, people. Wrong. Not allowed. So I took him to the plaza and right away two elderly citizens prance on the lot to spite me. Three! I mean, I was starting to worry I was taking this too far! Apparently, though. I haven't been taking it far enough! Anteros had a dreamy date with Christy Stratton and returns home with platinum aspiration. I bought outfits for everyone, but completely forgot Deimos is... I wanted to say leveling up tonight. No, he's age transitioning tonight, so that was a waste. At least the grown-ups look totally boss. Alright! I'm done with this family! Back to the main lot.
Phyllis is back to her shenanigans. Berenices and Pavo enjoyed each other's company while scouting for her [their] next mean. Volans toddlered, Scorpio, 7/5/7/5/3. I'm tired of waiting for the dancing career. I'm taking the next job that's available for Tucana. This is ridiculous.
Pavo gives birth to twins. Both boys. I have three boys. Oh, oh oh, ohh oh oh. Gosh bless it. Welcome, Lacerta, the Lizard and Chamaeleon, the Dark Chocolate Kokopelli Mexican Candy. Just kidding, the Chameleon, of course. Because apparently, Triangulum Australe is too long! Well! That's 3 down. It's novel writing time.
Pavo Seraph
Hah, the daughter of a famous actress? Yes, that too. But what and who I really am is Risk Taker, Danger Seeker, Treaure Hunter, Insatiable Explorer, Wild Goddess of the Seas, Skies and Space. That's right. Pavo Seraph. Since the day my mother plucked me from atop her head as a minute spore and nurtured me into sentience, I knew, oh, I knew, I was destined for greatness. As I am basically a replica of my mother, I carry on her lust for excitement! Drama! Suspense Action! And instead of experiencing these on stage, as she did, I took my show to the biggest stage of them all: The World!
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