So Tucana took a job in Journalism. She's got enough friends, I think. Helios, having fulfilled his duty, took Auriga as his wife and began a family with her. I completely forgot the both of them are werewolves. Does that mean the child will be one as well? Oh my gosh! Will there be puppies!? Nope, it's a human baby, no werewolf fur or nothen. The child's name is Phobos.

Oh no. Tucana hit aspiration bottom from all the ghosts. Four times in a row. I should stop killing old people now; they do NOT play nice after death. I mean I only killed seven of them on this lot, ten on Apus' and nine on Helios'. [Never mind the two pending.] Ugh, now the hard part, the boys are all toddlers for twenty hour hours, and Lacerta and Chamaeleon for three days after that. I decided to take it slow this generation as far as skilling building. I want to see if I can hold out until college with five skills man on each boy. I think Volans already plowed through that on logic. Yes, seven in logic. Well, it's not like the Flower Girls don't have the energy to waste. Lacerta and Chamaeleon learn how to walk and talk and learned their nursery rhyme in that time. Neither of them are hungry, so they didn't get smart milk. Volans has reached five skills from all the nursery toys. I'm so glad to have regular sims for a while. I have so much sparkly fish in the fridge and plant sims don't even eat. I'm also thankful the ghosts favor the first floor, Volans had a restful first night as a child.
After a stormy night, lightning was repeatedly hitting the Japanese Autumn Maple Tree and Breadfruit Tree. Now the Breadfruit Tree has glitched into a constant state of being on fire, but not burning. I have my own version of the burning bush on my sims lot. It's a sign! Caelum and Seneca's ghosts played fetch together. That makes me happy. The people ghosts don't interact with each other, but they can with the pets' ghosts. Speaking of pets. Anaxagoras has a very easy-going life. He's affectionate toward the kids, and his relationship with the girls can't improve. 100/100.
Omegle, Volans brought home his half-brother, Phobos, after school. Damn! Lacerta has the Cygnus nose! Oh, oh, oh, all my dreams, gone, gone. No, no. Sadness. Chamaeleon has the nose, as well. Volans doesn't. The boys got into private school, and once again, Phobos was brought over after. Berenices and Tucana started aging again. Aww, Anaxagoras died. He had a great life.
The boys are pretty cool. I sent them to a specific bed once and that bed is now their bed... Omegle with the crashing and the freezing and the glitches! I am GOING to finish this legacy, Maxis! You hear me! I don't care what you say!
Volans loves cooking his own meals with the little baker oven. I don't think that I have a choice in making him the heir, who knows, perhaps I'll roll a dice between the three and chance it... I'm really worried about my neighborhood. I think its getting too big. My computers starting to have trouble saving. I save daily now. Volans becomes a teenager, rolls a four. That will be good for pumping out babies.
Tucana invited over Michael, Ariel, Raphael and Gabriel, finally getting a chance to meet the mysterious, and mind boggling vampire-servo, and she totally heart farted over him. Michael and Raphael pillow fought, and Ariel got better acquainted with Pandora, who pops over uninvited on a regular basis.
Hahaha, Lacerta and Chamaeleon are adorable. Lacerta was tormenting his twin, then left to go study cooking and Chamaeleon actually enjoyed the tormenting. Part of me is a little weirded out by that, but mostly, I'm enchanted by it. Chamaeleon's a masochist.
Wow, I'm officially on my third notebook. Alright, so I totally failed about the whole waiting to skill and all that with Volans. He's already capped out all his skills. It just happened, okay!? Chamaeleons and Lacerta will take sometime, though, since neither benefited from smart milk. Isn't that sad? The game over-powered itself. Is it just me or are the cockroaches more colorful? Brown yeah, but I saw green, yellow and red, too. I'll take a picture next time. Alright, the twins birthdays are tonight, and I've cunningly brought their aspirations heavenward.

Coma Berenices threw the boys a real for real birthday party, inviting a slough of positive male role models; Austrina, Borealis, Apus, and Pyxis. Reticulum and Monoceros were unavailable to attend. They kinda just lost touch with the main household. And the boys entered an awkward stage in their lives: Teendom.
Lacerta rolled wealth. I like this guy. Chamaeleon also rolled wealth! ...Then the application crashed. Let's try this again. Okay, so Pavo aged as soon as she came home from work and the party was going great until disaster struck, and I don't even know what the disaster was! Whatever, the kids and Pavo grew up happy. This cake has lasted a million slices. It doesn't end!
So, I think my
evil plan innocent attempt to introduce some new blood into the neighborhood back fired. The old people are being replaced by old people. Tucana reached the top of her career track. She is no longer needed. She gets the boot. Is that messed up? I don't care. I wish she'd take Coma Berenices with her, but that would be way sad. I didn't even set her up with extra funds. Meh, I'm just chucking her with Terpsichore anyway. So I sent Volans out to maybe find him romantic fodder until college. The first people that came on the community lot that aren't my playables [and thus adults or children] are old fricken men! I have no choice but to befriend one. Mayhew Zaidi is one of my favorites, though. I'd like to think I wouldn't eat him. We'll never know. Phyllis is full of her latest victim and I don't want people to get younger. Eventually, the first

spouse-available Cygnus lady joins the lot, Selene, and Volans pounces. Pounces like a Flying Fish! Get it?! He makes a positive first impression. Lacerta and Chamaeleon are starting to get antsy about making money. Volans does find some romance fodder in Lainey Barthelet. The Wealth twins did find jobs. Another crash... okay, time to do some deleting. Not on the Seraph lot of course, but houses and people that I haven't touched at all. I really, really need to get rid of this stuff. I'm hoping that will free up some memory. But I doubt it. I deleted Ravencrest Academy and made another way smaller college. [Also named Ravencrest] I also took out Belladonna Cove and that Freetime one that I never remember and deleted the houses in the lot bin. Now, don't get me wrong, Ebonwood still has lots of lots and a lot of them are occupied. I also put the 30 dozen bouquets of roses into Lacerta's inventory to dump on the college lot when they attend.
Omegle, you guys. It seems to have worked. My game has noticeably improved. I don't know what did it, but I'm so damn relieved.
Oh, right, I need to keep writing. I'm just sitting here completely amazed! Uh, let's see. Lacerta is struggling to keep up with Chamaeleon in skills, but in his defense, he did get a job first. All the boys are charming, and they're all employed. I think I will end up rolling for the heir. So, there's a 66% chance the 8th heir will have (bum bum bum!) the nose! Okay, 1 + 2 for Volans, 3 + 4 for Chamaeleons and 5 + 6 for Lacerta. 1. Volans. I lost Lainey's relationship after one of many crashes, so Volans is off to meet another young lady to dote on. He met two, Brooke Thomason and Nicole Thompson. I am totally going to confuse the two. If I bothered to remember them ever again.
The ghosts are definitely out tonight. Volans doesn't seem to suffer need to decay at all. We're taking him out again, this time to meet possible spouses. The availability has been slashed in half, but I'm confident. He ran into his father in his werewolf form. He's a fam sim, so he was like, shocked and shit. Definitely going to need some therapy. He went to the bathhouse and met Oceanus. Good! We'll need him very soon.

Sadly, all the women who joined the bathhouse were all married. The old ladies in the house do absolutely nothing. I guess they should keep their eyes peeled for unmarried ladies. Augh! Okay, I'm sending the boys to college. Apply for scholarships.~ Done. Send them to a dormitory. Done. Remodel dormitory. Done. Majors declared. Done. Oops, Chamaeleon doesn't have any friends. He'll need them to sucker into doing his term essays. I think I'm just going to do things this way now. Eff teenagerhood! Volans goes on a date with Selene and shares his first kiss. Nyaww!
Yes, this is how I get influence! By dating! It's been too long since I used this tactic. Chamaeleon! You've just entered the dating scene. The boys head to the barbershop to meet some Cygnus ladies. Yeah, at a barbershop. I should have thought that one through, Austrina, Reticulum and Pallas were there. Okay, next the cafe. -sigh- More married woman. When they get home, Volans invites Selene and her household over, Medusa and Hera. Hera registers as family. Chamaeleon gets to know Medusa better, but she shares three bolts for Volans. They sharing the same aspiration.
The gang finishes their first semester and head to the bathhouse to celebrate. Lacerta tried to get to know Eos a little better. Sadly, Selene lays a little romance on Austrina on the lot in front of Volans, thus crushing the poor mans dreams. The kid can't function around her and cries on Chamaeleon's shoulder, who watched the hold thing unfold. Then, Volans, instead of taking it out on Selene, got all up in Austrina's face. Poor Austrina, he's married, and has no idea what's going on. Neither does Lacerta, who's been in the hot tub with Eos all afternoon.

After a bit, Volans calms down and joins Selene in the pool to talk about things. That didn't last long though, as Lacerta was on the brink of starving. But the lines of communication have been opened! I should save, this is an interesting development.
To give Volans a shot at a rebound, Lacerta invites Eos, Leto and Rhea over to monopolize his interest. To my delight, he finds Rhea, the Vampire, to die for, so to speak. They share three bolts. Chamaeleon seems to have no luck with Leto, or any Cygnus for that matter. Lacerta's date with Eos was rocky and awkward which made it all the more adorable and solidified my decision to get these two to have babies. Their date wasn't dreamy, but it was still great.
Volans asked Rhea out the next night. That one was dreamy. Rhea kept wanting to bite him, though. Kinky bitch. It will all be for naught when the boy rerolls. Hum. At least the man knows two vampires now.
Hahahahaha! Holy shit, one of the room mates just attacked Chamaeleon for cheating on her. Hailey is a fiery little number. She's always trying to slap him and poke him. Don't mess with this one, people! Cafeteria man, didn't bother catching a man, started a kitchen fire. No one died this time, Chamaeleon nipped it before it spread very far. The room mates he cheated on follow him around and kick his ass. I find it all delightfully amusing. Poor Chamaeleon.
....Volans rolled a fear of Rhea becoming a werewolf. HA! Never mind that she's a vampire. I really want to be an ass and try it. One of Chamaeleons scorned lovers cornered him in the bathroom and told him a thing or two. I let the lover do it, 'cause... I'm kinda abusive like that. It's been going on for hours now.
Alright, time for rerolls. Volans rolls wealth. Chamaeleon does, as well, but he's already one, so Grilled Cheese it is. Lacerta rolls Romance. It switches things up. So Volans LTW is to become the Law. Originally, Lacerta was going to so that, but he can take over the Paranormal Career Track. Majors switched.

Lacerta invited over Eos and all her room mates so the boys can re-evaluate their romantic interests. Volans and Theia now share three bolts, of course Lacerta and Leto now share three? bolts and Chamaeleon is left in the lurch. Surprise, surprise. If ever I had a loser in the family, it's Chamaeleon. His secondary aspiration is now Romance. Though, I bet that makes his chances of sharing his life with someone more likely. Lacerta's second aspiration is knowledge, and Volans is also Romance. Wow, that's a lot of Romance. Okay, so Lacerta shares three bolts with a LOT of ladies. Shit went WAY downhill. Lacerta and Volans pissed off
Eos and Rhea. And it's official, Chalaemeon is a total loser. He's going to blow a fuse when Volans brings Theia home as his bride. They have such a good relationship. That's okay. Chamaeleon will marry Rhea in revenge. Not very romantic for poor Rhea, but she's a vampire. She'll understand. Not to mention she'd totally side with Chamaeleon, and would love to piss off Volans. They share only two bolts but Chamaeleon won't be the heir, so I ain't worried. So all the boys have the woman of their dreams: Tethys, Theia and Rhea. Incredible how it worked out like that.
The kids graduated college and went home. Chamaeleon was the first to land a job in dancing. Maybe it's the type of job that requires a degree. Volans and Lacerta, on the other hand, have shit luck finding jobs. I swear this game's out to get me. Crash here, denied jobs there. Law and Paranormal would show up when Tucana was trying to find the dancing job. but now that I want them, NOOOOO!~ They're like: You had your chance, asshole. This is the feeling I get from Maxis.
So yeah, Volans and Lacerta just dick around, day in and day out, helping their mother and grandmother harvest the ambrosial trees, play the piano and... Okay, Lacerta studies, but like, shit that don't even matter, Lifelong Happiness, Fire Safety, Anger Management. The whole gang just hangs out in the hot spring Shit got a LITTLE exciting when Lacerta popped the question to Tethys. Big whoop. Admittedly, he's my favorite of the boys, because he looks most like his daddy, who is a total dream boat.

Volans, coward that he is, waits for Chamaeleon to go to work before asking Theia on a date, as well. It was dreamy, and, of course, Theia said yes when he popped the question, as well. So they're engaged. I might have to reactivate Phyllis. If these jobs don't show up. Wooo! Law FINALLY showed! Volans isn't too old to drink of Phyllis. He got a promotion on his first day in the office. Feeling bold and able to provide for a family, Volans marries Theia, in his swimming trunks. The happy couple consummates their marriage, but no pitter-patter of tiny feet yet. There are now six people in the household and until it goes down, Theia isn't pumping out kids. Cymmi's back, though! Hahahahaha, the first dog on the lot, and Lacerta gets his Paranormal job! Hurray! It's late, I'm tired, my work here is at least halfway complete.
Shit's been weird with Chamaeleon still being in love with Theia. I have to fix this. He reached the top of Dancing, and it's time to send him out into the world with his fair vampiress. He and Rhea are married and soon depart, taking with them more than half of the family funds, which is a lot of money.
Rhea is the worst vampire ever. She keeps trying to walk around during the day. They spent the whole night trying to conceive with no luck. Second night, success on the first try. Hmmm, yes, my vampire chick is preggos. Try not to worry on the how. Days later, Peitho is born, Their lives are pretty droll. Back to the main lot.
Pavo spent around $40,000 on clothes. With Chamaeleon gone, I feel a little more comfortable about kids in the house. Instead of all adults and all their free time hanging about doing nothing. Whooo! Pregnant on the first try. Volans is a little more romantic than I suspected. He spent his whole day off attached to Theia's hip. It was quite endearing... then it got creepy. I'd send him on an errand and he'd whiplash back to her side. He was perfectly content to relax in bed while she slept. I mean, after 3 hours that shit was starting to feel messed up. Did he fall asleep? No.~ Did he read a book, or day dream or anything? No.~ He just laid there. Watching her.... Sleep. I am responsible for his breeding. So yes! I'm not sitting well with this!

Caelum and Columba's ghosts made a night of testing the doors and checking the bathtubs and ensuring the toddler chimes were in perfect order. Lacerta enjoyed family hikes, and at first Theia had better things to do, but eventually warmed up to the idea. She thought better of insulting her mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law, by refusing family activities, poison ivy patches or no poison ivy patches.
What I find a little sad about Lacerta is that he's half way through his adulthood, a romance sim and still a virgin. He did get a bronze badge in Greenthumb-...ery from harvesting alone.I mean... that's something, right?
Anyway, time for Theia to make a baby. A girl, Phoenix. Black hair, brown eyes, just like Helios, Volans, Lacerta AND Chamaeleon. Bleh. Ha! So Lacerta comes home right after Phoenix is born and walks up to Theia to congratulate her.... on studying Fire Safety. Nice. Volans becomes the Law and Theia is pregnant again, still trying to find a job alongside her husband, since she also shares his LTW. Lacerta is a very attentive uncle. Coma Berenices passes away and Phoenis becomes a toddler. She's an Aries, 7/9/7/6/3. Theia goes into labor again, Please be a boy, please be a boy. YES! Boys and girls, Draco joins the family. That is a legit constellation, I promise!
Theia also gets her job in Law. Delightful. Pavo also passes away. My nights may have returned! And Phoenix becomes a child, as Draco becomes a toddler. He shares his sisters sign, personality and most of her features, EXCEPT! He's got pointy ears! Oh bless you, Theia. You ARE contributing to the gene pool.

As Theia starts work and Lacerta's job becomes more hands on, Volans, having reached the top of his career, quits his job to raise his children. He invites over the headmaster to get Phoenix into private school, which is a little premature, as he'll be doing it again for Draco and the unborn later on. It was touch and go there for a bit, but Phoenix was admitted into private school. Theia gives birth to a green-eyed baby boy! His name is Bootes. Yes, also a constellation. Heee.~ No idea where the green eyes come from.
Blargh! Stupid adults. When they sense a baby is in distress they try to feed it, even though they learn 'parenting' and/or it's more likely that the child is crapping itself. It's a vicious cycle!
Lacerta's getting up there in age. I mean, so is Volans, but he
has a wife and children already. Lacerta's still a virgin, poor man. So he partakes of Phyllis' last victim. I won't bother to remember a name, even if the tomb stone is right there on the lot. It buys him five more days to cap his career and marry Theia's sister, Tethys and start a family of his own.
Phoenix comes home from school wanting to learn couples counseling. What?! Girl is like, ten years old. What is this?! Whoops, Phyllis strikes again. Old man number four joins the graveyard. My bad. Just in time, Lacerta finally becomes a cult leader, thus reaching the top of Paranormal. He will again, partake of Phyllis' last victim, take Tethys as his cult wife and all of the family funds and move out, starting his very own cult from scratch. Just kidding, his LTW is to become Captain Hero. That's so precious. We'll see what we can do. He and Tethys had no problem conceiving. Her pregnancy was spent lounging around to World Music in the rain. If only all pregnancies were as peaceful. She gave birth to a pointy-eared, gray eyed boy, Hypnos.
Bootes toddlierflies, He's a Scorpio, unlike Phoenix and Draco, 7/5/7/6/3. The kids spent the weekend skilling, Phoenix is far behind Draco. I know Volans reached top of career, has all skills, had three kids.

That's not enough, though. He still needs to become a monster. Because this is a MONSTRACY! I want Bootes to be a child before Volans invites his great (great, great, great, great, great) grand daddy/uncle/great great great great uncle, yadda yadda over. That night is tonight. Bootes ages into a kiddie, Phoenix, a teenager. Her aspirations become family-oriented and when her father invites over Oceanus, Crius and Perses she makes herself acquainted. Theia persuades her brother to prey on her husband. This should provide good story material. Volans joins the legion of the undead. Phoenix makes a good first impression on Perses. Headmaster Ryan was invited to the house to assess Draco and Bootes and was charmed by Theia. I mean who isn't? (Besides Columba who left her for... I don't even remember.) The boys had no issue getting in, thanks to her charisma, nothing to do with the charisma points one studies for, because apparently that means shit when socializing with real sims. The boys were none the wiser, though, spending their whole afternoon and evening playing with their cousin, Hypnos. A darling boy; the boys adore him. Novel time.
Volans Seraph
My career in Law. I remember that being the only thing I ever wanted in College. I was rather a playboy, but were my brothers. I never knew how hard I'd fall for Theia. How hard all of us would fall for her. A magnificently beautiful woman, and an absolute jewel.
When I met her, I was some what involved with her niece, Rhea. A vampire. The two of us, me and Rhea, made plans to live out eternity together in perpetual love and adoration; after I'd made my claim in the judicial system. Aren't I silly. Rhea and Chamaeleon's wrath would be slow in coming. See, at the time, he was involved with Theia. I would become and forever be truly ashamed for what I did to them both.
Theia was blissfully unaware of the wrath I unintentionally incurred. She had been involved with members of my family before. Married into it even, so her relationship with Chamaeleon was, to her, facetious; a passing whim. For him, though, it was much more serious. He'd fallen in love; he was, in fact, the first of us to fall in love with her. Since I had initially made my bed with Rhea, I wanted to hold true to those affections. As it happened, however, Rhea discovered my feelings for Theia. As would Chamaeleon, when I took Theia as my wife.
In their shared hate for me, they found each other. Through that hate, they came to love each other. They married, made a life, had a child, and I... I had thought they'd moved passed their hate for me. That was serious miscalculation on my part. I let myself slip into a false sense of lull... peace. Theia had won the hearts of my mother and grandmother; our union, by my standards, had been vindicated. Their approval validated to me that my choice in my bride was a righteous one, regardless of the cost to my former lover and my brother. I would later learn that they were mortal. Rhea's wrath was as immortal as she was. As she would never die, neither would her justified malice toward me.
Yes, my life then was simple. I was in Eden. I had made Theia my wife, I'd made my claim in Law, I had sired my next generation. I was a part of a well established family. I was living the dream.
Through the grapevines of family, though, Theia had been made aware of my treachery, my shame, the shame of my brothers, how we had mistreated the women of her house. My past caught up with me. This new information stirred in her the grudge against Columba that still writhed within her.
Then it began. My wife's fury. My brothers fury. My lovers fury. Even though they still loved me, I deserved punishment. I deserved their vengeance. I had shown my true colors. My pride and arrogance, like the pride and arrogance of my forefather, Caelum, had doomed me and my children. I had proven I was the result of my genetics. Had I learned nothing from my forebears?
Again, a friend from the Cygnus family came to punish me. My childhood friend, Oceanus came in the night to grant me life eternal. To watch the curse come to pass each generation, to witness my family's agony and shame. To become the monster I had made myself into. The monster I was destined to become.
To my children. I will watch you grow old and perish. I will watch you suffer. I will watch you follow in my footsteps. I will not say a word. I do this for one reason: We must learn from the past, otherwise we are doomed to repeat it. As I have. These memoirs must be your only tools for breaking this curse. I place my trust in you. My beloved children.